Significance Of ‘Manglik Dosha’ In Match Making

October 9, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Horoscope matching is a very important step in India for settlement of marriages. Hindu families generally act according to the dictates of the horoscope. “Manglik dosha” becomes a big issue in the settlement of marriage of a girl or a boy because it is considered to be the most important parameter in match-making. Marriages, at times, get abnormally delayed due to such problems.

The placement of “Mangal” (Mars) in the horoscope is the main parameter for consideration of “Manglik dosha”. A person can be considered “Manglik” if in his horoscope Mars is placed in the “lagna” (ascendant), the fourth house, the seventh house, the eighth house or the twelfth house. Some astrologers and astrological texts consider the second house also for judging “Manglik dosha”.

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Significance Of Colors In Astrological Remedies

October 4, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

The visible light which is a mixture of seven colors gets manifested in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR). These colors originate from the Sun and travel in different wave lengths with varying energy intensities.

The visible light is the source of all life in the biosphere and it is responsible for all the biogeochemical cycles in the environment of the earth which sustains all the plant and animal life including the life of human beings. The main driver of energy is the Sun from where the color waves originate.

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Analysis Of Heart-Related Ailments From Horoscopes

September 20, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Heart disease has become a big problem in the new age. Hospitals specializing in heart treatment are rapidly increasing. Reason for spurt in heart related ailments may be many but the common reasons are mental tensions, increase in workload and rich diet.

Dr. K. S. Charak in his book “Essentials of Medical Astrology” has divided heart problems into three types. The most common disease can be “ischaemic heart disease” (IHD) or the “coronary artery disease” (CAD). This develops due to the obstruction of blood vessels which supply blood to the heart. Another more serious ailment is “congenital heart disease” (CHD) which generally requires surgical intervention. The third common heart ailment is “cardiomyopathy”. This happens to be a genetic disorder. Here the heart becomes larger in size but becomes ineffective.

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Judgement Of Mental Issues From Horoscopes

September 14, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Absence of mental disorder is considered mental health. According to Wikipedia, this term is used to describe a level of cognitive or emotional well-being of mind. Mental health may also include an individual’s ability to enjoy life and procure a balance between day to day activities of life and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.

Various scholars, astrologers and thinkers have said that the state of mind and the Moon have some relationship. The word lunatic has been derived from the Latin “lunacus”, which means “luna” (moon). People from ancient period believed that the phases of the moon and madness are interlinked. This may be a good analysis by itself if a relationship can be established between phases of moon and its effects on a mental patient. This may help to time the period when the patient is likely to have mental fits.

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Breast Cancer – Astrological And Spiritual Perspective

September 7, 2012 in Healing, Spirituality, Vedic Astrology

As per Wikipedia, “Breast cancer is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from ducts are known as ductal carcinomas, while those originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. Breast cancer occurs in humans and other mammals. While the overwhelming majority of human cases occur in women, male breast cancer can also occur.”

Breasts as per Vedic astrology are seen from the fourth house. In the horoscope of Zodiac (Kaal- Purusha) the fourth house has Cancer sign rising. Hence, affliction to Cancer sign and natal Moon are significant in tracing breast cancer. As per Vedic astrology diseases of the breast and the flow of milk has to be ascertained from the Moon.

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