How To Calculate The Four Major Numerology Numbers

August 4, 2021 in Numerology

The study of numerology is a very interesting and rewarding interest that can provide a great deal of insight and inspiration into your life. It is particularly useful when looking at your relationships with those closely connected to, socially or career-wise, determined using numerology compatibility charts and readings. In this article, we will discuss how to calculate the Four Major Numerology Numbers.

To begin your analysis the first thing that you must do is calculate the four numbers that correspond to your life path, life expression, soul urge, and karmic needs.

Life Path Number:

Take your date of birth and add the individual digits together using the number of the day you were born, the number of the month, and the year. Once the first sum is obtained, and if necessary, add the component digits together to get a single digit 1 through 9 or 11, 22, 33. For example, 17 July 1968 would equal 17/07/1968. This would be broken down and added as 1+7+0+7+1+9+6+8 which equals number 39. Now add the component digits together: 3+9 which equals 12, which in turn must be reduced to 1+2 to equal 3. This is the numerology of the life path number.

Life Expression Number:

This calculation requires that you reduce your full birth name down to a number. Each letter is assigned a number as per this table:

Each part of your name is reduced separately. For example, the name Charles James Bainbridge would become Charles 3+8+1+9+3+5+1=30 which reduces to 3, and James 1+1+4+5+1 = 12 which also reduces to 3, and finally Bainbridge 2+1+9+5+2+9+9+4+7+5 = 53 which reduces to 8. This results in a total of 14 for the whole name which, by adding the component digits of 1 and 4 reduces to 5. This is the numerology life expression number. We calculate each name separately to determine the composition of the name parts, i.e. Charles, James, and Bainbridge and identify any special numbers 11 and 22 in the name composition as these have different interpretations to the single-digit numbers. Master Number 22 at full maturation is a successful person who can transform goals into reality.

Soul Urge Number:

The calculation for this number is the sum of the vowels in your name. For example: in the name we have been investigating the vowel numbers are 1+5+1+5+1+9+9+5 which equals to number 36, adding the component digits gives 9 which is the numerology soul urge number.

Karmic Number:

This number is calculated by taking the total of the consonants of your name to a single number. For example, in the previous name, the consonant numbers are 3+8+9+3+1+1+4+1+2+5+2+9+4+7 which equals 59, add the component digits together 5+9 to get number 14 again reduce to number 5 which is the numerology karmic number.

Once you have calculated these numbers we can subject them to analysis, including numerology compatibility assessments, which will provide you with a wealth of information that you will be able to use for solving stumbling blocks, answering questions that may encounter, and for giving you direction in your life.

In fact, numerology compatibility readings are a great relationship therapy tool and your personal numerology reading provides an excellent self-analysis tool for your personal growth.

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