Life And Beyond

September 2, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

For a world 25 billion years old, a life of 50 or 100 years is a blink of the eye. There are millions of Suns and perhaps billions of earth like planets in our universe. Quite possibly, also a few earths with human beings like us.

Where do we go after our body is exhausted and burnt? May be to the much dreaded black hole or heaven or hell or paradise or simply remain suspended for the soul to recover from the captivating body experience. Surely, we never do return in the same form and shape. Who springs back to a physical life and who cannot, remains unanswered? But, to the open minded there is an evidence to support that there is indeed a life after death.

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Life’s Journey

August 7, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

Your own drive or destiny?
Are we perpetually being driven by an allotted destiny or  do we get to  drive ourselves during the free will phases? Lets peer into the third house of self-effort, short journey  and many more things this time, to debate some of life’s fundamentals and ponder over the finer points of astrology.

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Does The Kaliyuga 10th House Lead To Moral U-turns? Does It Churn Out Robots?

March 15, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

Modern life is making us robotic. Is a weak 10th house of karmas and free will to be blamed? In the wake of mounting job loss tensions, we pick for debate the turmoil in karmic ethics and careers.

Consumerism is making us dance to its tune. It is addicting us to the customized and the trendy. This transition has driven us off balance from a holistic life. Materialism has taken over. The dharma of Mahabharata and Ramayana, deep rooted in our national psyche is getting eroded. Trendy acquisitions, their early discard to match with fresh arrivals, cause several unmanageable debts, make modern life more robotic.

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Astrology – A Waste Of Time Or Once In A Lifetime Opportunity?

December 15, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

The stars strike all. Some feel them intensely and others fleeting by. That several of us would seek the answers to the mysterious maneuvering of planets and cosmic points is perhaps a divine arrangement. Astrologers delve deep and ponder the planets. Many of them have contributed a great deal to the demystification of cosmic phenomena.  Rishis who created the astrological classics, the rajajyotishis in the durbars of Indian Kings, crystal gazers of the medieval times in Europe or the astrologers of China, all have charmed and drawn the masses to them.

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Astrology As I Perceive It

November 15, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Astrology to me is a perfect science. It is a super science. Why then do predictions go wrong? They have to, when self-styled astrologers with superficial ideas shoot predictions from the hip or when those with incomplete knowledge and the intention to extort money, predict with nefarious and commercial motives.

Astrology is growing in popularity; the media reflects, magnifies this trend. Big money is to be had from telecast of hyped up programs of predictions. People are waylaid and made to believe what, in a true sense, is not astrology. Wrong predictions are being unleashed on the gullible. All you need to look like an astrologer is a kurta and a tilak.

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Can Ketu Free Us From Kaliyuga Bondage?

October 12, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Deeper the bond with life, graver the misery from it. All of us tend to disregard this essential truth. But not so, the spiritually inclined and the astrology conscious – they are closer to absorbing these truths. The much hyped rise in suffering, by leaps in kaliyuga is an amply visible and hard-to-deny trend. It affects all. Can it be reversed? It can. All you need is an in-depth Gyan (knowledge) of the Gita. And of the movements of that elusive Ketu. You will discover your eternal Atma (spirit) and develop a more intimate link with it. This will energize the much needed connection to the soul which will make life more fulfilling.

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Can You Escape Rahu’s Fervor?

August 13, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Beware of Rahu’s deceptive charm. Superficial attraction often disappoints. Whether wine, cuisine or material acquisitions. Give it a thought. Why do things that seduce the senses often harm us deep down -tasty food upsets the body and sensory indulgences, the mind and soul. Think. Why, driven by the glamour of scintillating ads, we keep hoarding the unwanted and shelve the useful. Why do we tend to forget the obvious- that the earth has enough for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed? Why do we become selfish and stop caring for our society, our country our humanity? Why does charm overpower rationality? Count how much of your limited resources you have spent on purposeful activities and how much on the wasteful. Count the beautiful moments that life has given you and count the moments that gave you grief. We need to do this exercise often to know the forces that drive us.

Saturn Speaks Out Loud And Clear!

June 7, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

“Don’t let attachments run your life’s marathon”

The fever to acquire is a curse that possesses us. Life in kaliyuga begins with the gripping desire to acquire so many things in so little time. Though these acquisitions fail to bring long term satisfaction, we carry on undeterred. Emotional relationships, tangible goodies keep occupying our limited personal space. We forget the wisdom of simultaneous discard to avoid a bulge that also bursts. We tend to forget that we came with nothing and so shall go with nothing. We forget the irony of life and the wisdom that the eventual loss of all that we collect is inevitable. We forget that detachment must balance our attachment.

Knowing Knowledge

April 5, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Knowing Knowledge

Knowing Knowledge

Knowledge that refines and makes us wise is spread wide across the Universe. Astrologically, it is held by Jupiter. Though elusive in kaliyuga, it can be acquired with an extra effort. Knowledge churns ideas that enrich life. It enhances the degree of intelligence. It makes life meaningful. It spiritually enlightens. It leads to the truth. Moksha (salvation) requires the ultimate truth. Awareness simply comes by looking around, from TV or from the net. Astrologically, it is different from knowledge. Gyan (knowledge) is obtained from beyond awareness. Your level of knowledge grades you. It dictates your karmas. Knowledge once given cannot be taken back. One can’t lose knowledge. Knowledge creates a purpose for life itself for when you have knowledge; others light their candles in it. Sharing helps us grow. Blessed are those who get to know where it lies; for, believe it or not, you carry your knowledge and your karmas with you after your death also. They manifest in you, in a subtle form in the next life.

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Can Astrology Find Where Happiness Is Lying?

March 31, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Can Astrology Find Where Happiness Is Lying?

Can Astrology Find Where Happiness Is Lying?

Of course it can! It can bring an end to your hunt for contentment. All you need to do is to understand Venus deeper.

The Fascinating Venus
A sensuous planet that ignites sensuality. A germ found on the tip of cupid’s arrow that is difficult to duck. A significator of beauty, art, love and woman. These are few among a host of descriptions of the fascinating Venus in poetry and literature of perhaps every language. Venus in Greek and Roman literature is a goddess, principally associated with love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and military victory.

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Can You Escape The Influence Of Mars?

March 31, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Is the Gun toting Mars playing Gods role?

It seems so, as Mars in horoscopes has been found channeling the crucial energy that prompts all actions of consequence –good or bad. It is perhaps the spark in your eyes and the thunder and lightning in the sky. Additionally, since Mars impacts with a jolt and is the lord of the eighth house of changes of the natural zodiac, it plays an active role in bringing about changes and reforms that pinch. It is found more emphatic than other planets in reiterating the fact that it is the law of karma that drives us to predestined events. Having governance over the energy source that provides the momentum, Mars impels you to act negatively when it has to punish you for an evil karma and positively for a bravery award lying stored in your destiny. In a good position, Mars has been found making one competent as a protector and provider of justice (committed army men or policemen) and when ill-placed it is found driving one to crimes.

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Can Mercury Reveal The Thickness Of Your Skin?

March 31, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Can Mercury Reveal The Thickness Of Your Skin?

Can Mercury Reveal The Thickness Of Your Skin?

Are you aware who is inside you, knocking, questioning and irritating? Astrologically it is Mercury. You tend to reconcile to such tickling of your nerves, ascribing it to your own stress. But it is Mercury, being the significator of skin and nerves in astrology that causes itching both on the surface and inside. It is to be interpreted as governing that faculty of the mind that reasons and rationalizes. This faculty controls the power of discrimination in us. Our conscience is also attached to it.

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