Can You Escape Rahu’s Fervor?

August 13, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Beware of Rahu’s deceptive charm. Superficial attraction often disappoints. Whether wine, cuisine or material acquisitions. Give it a thought. Why do things that seduce the senses often harm us deep down -tasty food upsets the body and sensory indulgences, the mind and soul. Think. Why, driven by the glamour of scintillating ads, we keep hoarding the unwanted and shelve the useful. Why do we tend to forget the obvious- that the earth has enough for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed? Why do we become selfish and stop caring for our society, our country our humanity? Why does charm overpower rationality? Count how much of your limited resources you have spent on purposeful activities and how much on the wasteful. Count the beautiful moments that life has given you and count the moments that gave you grief. We need to do this exercise often to know the forces that drive us.