940 Angel Number – A Meaningful Number With Spiritual Significance

July 24, 2022 in Numerology

Angel number 940 is a significant number that is associated with the Archangel Gabriel. It’s also associated with the Hebrew letter ‘Hei’.

Gabriel is an archangel who appears in both Jewish and Christian teachings. He is seen as the messenger of God and brings messages from Heaven to Earth. In Judaism, Gabriel’s name means “God Is My Strength”. Gabriel also appears in Islam as an angel who reveals God’s will to humans.

The significance of Angel Number 940 can be found through the interpretation of its meaning. The number 940 is said to represent “strength”, “praise” and “power”. The Hebrew letter ‘Hei’ means “life” or “living”. This may signify that this particular angelic being has a connection to the life force. The symbol of a cross is said to represent “Christ” and therefore this angelic being would have influence on those who follow Christ. Read the rest of this entry →