Analysis Of Heart-Related Ailments From Horoscopes

September 20, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Heart disease has become a big problem in the new age. Hospitals specializing in heart treatment are rapidly increasing. Reason for spurt in heart related ailments may be many but the common reasons are mental tensions, increase in workload and rich diet.

Dr. K. S. Charak in his book “Essentials of Medical Astrology” has divided heart problems into three types. The most common disease can be “ischaemic heart disease” (IHD) or the “coronary artery disease” (CAD). This develops due to the obstruction of blood vessels which supply blood to the heart. Another more serious ailment is “congenital heart disease” (CHD) which generally requires surgical intervention. The third common heart ailment is “cardiomyopathy”. This happens to be a genetic disorder. Here the heart becomes larger in size but becomes ineffective.

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