Significance Of ‘Manglik Dosha’ In Match Making

October 9, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Horoscope matching is a very important step in India for settlement of marriages. Hindu families generally act according to the dictates of the horoscope. “Manglik dosha” becomes a big issue in the settlement of marriage of a girl or a boy because it is considered to be the most important parameter in match-making. Marriages, at times, get abnormally delayed due to such problems.

The placement of “Mangal” (Mars) in the horoscope is the main parameter for consideration of “Manglik dosha”. A person can be considered “Manglik” if in his horoscope Mars is placed in the “lagna” (ascendant), the fourth house, the seventh house, the eighth house or the twelfth house. Some astrologers and astrological texts consider the second house also for judging “Manglik dosha”.

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