Weekly Predictions For The Week (18th Nov 2012 – 24th Nov 2012)

November 17, 2012 in Numerology

Number 1 (Sun): (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)

Experiences and observations at the work front might make you share an advice, which might be different from that of your colleagues or seniors. Try not to budge from your point of view by being influenced by the criticism of others. Things might probably end up in your favor and this might give your decision-making ability a boost. Inner turmoil’s might also be put to an end by the later part of the week.

[crp]Lucky Days: Monday and Tuesday.

Number 2 (Moon): (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)

Incidents of the past that might have bothered you unnecessarily might seem trivial in the wake of the present blissful phase in life. They might probably seem like a very petty price that you might have paid for the current benefits you have drawn. Colleagues and juniors at work might give you their selfless efforts and your actions might get success faster than expected.

Lucky Days: Monday and Tuesday.

Number 3 (Jupiter): (Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month}

Indecisiveness of colleagues and their actions might affect you a bit. Nevertheless, do not get worked up on such issues, as they might eventually not even affect you directly. The week is good for people who want to settle legal matters or sort out unattended tasks. People in a relationship might be able to spend quality time with their partner and those single might come across someone interesting.

Lucky Days: Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Number 4 (Uranus): (Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)

Mental satisfaction and contentment in life might better your chances of indulging in luxuries that you had probably been avoiding. You might also be able to settle some pending tasks as far as personal relationships are concerned and get to an amicable conclusion.  People in the creative field might face some criticism for their work. However, these might just be limited to the initial starting hiccups.

Lucky Days: Monday and Tuesday.

Number 5 (Mercury): (those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)

Thoughts about the future, plans for the family, opinions about settling in life and romantic encounters might also be a part of the bundle this week. However, do not get carried away and keep your sentiments in control. Professionally, things might look promising and acknowledgement of the work that you indulge in might be duly undertaken and appreciated.

Lucky Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Number 6 (Venus): (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)

Your flexible approach might make you an ideal for many people in their life. This might give you the confidence and faith in yourself that one needs to undertake anything new. Avoid taking people at face value or you might have to face disappointments in the future. Projects stuck due to financial issues might get resolved by the end of the week, lending mental peace.

Lucky Days: Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Number 7 (Neptune): (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)

The support that you offer to people, in times when they need it the most, might probably be rewarded in a long-term manner. Try to adjust even if people do not necessarily agree with your suggestions and want to take another path. You might probably also plan a vacation with your family. Avoid taking any chances as far as money matters are concerned.

Lucky Days: Monday and Tuesday.

Number 8 (Saturn): (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)

There might be a number of things on your mind that might be materialized and implemented this week. Loved ones might also look for your attention and concern.  If you plan to get into a partnership deal, than it might be favourable to initiate it this week.

Activities happening on the home front might give you a sense of relaxation and contentment.

Lucky Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Number 9 (Mars): (those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)

People around might reach out to you for activities that need your leadership skills and principals. Professionals looking out for a change might be able to find alternatives that suit their personality. Important decisions concerning a personal and intimate relationship might also be initiated this week. Be approachable to your juniors and you might find them giving you valuable insights into the work.

Lucky Days: Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday.