New Year 2013 Predictions For India – Part 1

December 31, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

We are about to enter in new year 2013 and the December of 2012 was abnormal due to some incidents like gang rape of a medico girl in Delhi and huge protests in Delhi. From 14th January till 27th June, state of the nations does not seem good at all. From July 2012, India is already running in Sun-Sat  period of vimshottary mahadasha. From 14th January,  Rahu will enter in Libra and conjoin with Saturn.

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Method Of Matching Charts For Marriage

December 22, 2012 in Ashtakvarga, Jaimini Shastra, Vedic Astrology

Miss. Seema (Now SMT. Seema Anup) an engineer & her colleague Mr.Anup who is also an engineer were loving each other since 2002. Because of difference in casts the parents objected the alliance. The best way the parents could find was threatening them saying “Charts are not matching as Gun Milan is giving only 14 points out of 36 where as 18/36 is a must”.

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Astrology – A Waste Of Time Or Once In A Lifetime Opportunity?

December 15, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

The stars strike all. Some feel them intensely and others fleeting by. That several of us would seek the answers to the mysterious maneuvering of planets and cosmic points is perhaps a divine arrangement. Astrologers delve deep and ponder the planets. Many of them have contributed a great deal to the demystification of cosmic phenomena.  Rishis who created the astrological classics, the rajajyotishis in the durbars of Indian Kings, crystal gazers of the medieval times in Europe or the astrologers of China, all have charmed and drawn the masses to them.

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Horoscope Of P Chidambaram – No Yoga For PM

December 12, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

This prediction is based on the birth details of Chidambaram which is not verified.

From few days one more name is in news for the post of prime minister from Congress party. And that name is of current finance minister P Chidambaram. He is in news for his direct cash transfer scheme and few other economic reforms. Media especial foreign media has announced him as next prime ministerial candidate from Congress party. There may be many reasons for this.

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Astrology, Ayurveda And Colors

December 8, 2012 in Gemology, Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology is an ancient science which is both universal and timeless. To put it simply, it is the science of ‘Time’.  It seeks to impart to mankind a tool to live in harmony with the cosmos around him. Vedic astrology is the study of subtle energies emanating from the heavenly bodies and having an impact upon the people, plants, animals and the Earth itself. These energies influence the human body and mind on all levels. The astrological chart has the capacity to indicate good or ill health, strong or weak vitality, emotional stability, intellectual soundness besides many other things.

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Astrology And Surrogacy

December 1, 2012 in Jaimini Shastra, Vedic Astrology

Surrogacy is a method of reproduction whereby a woman agrees to become pregnant and deliver a child for a contracted party. She may be the child’s genetic mother (the more traditional form of surrogacy), or she may, as a gestational carrier, carry the pregnancy to delivery after having been implanted with an embryo, in some jurisdictions an illegal medical procedure.—Wikipedia

On 14th of Feb people celebrate Valentines Day & after 9 months on 14th of November people celebrate childrens day is an old joke. But because of some drug using lovers the holy spirit of Saint Valentine may be crying. This article is related to a modern challenge we astrologers are facing.

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Number 1 People (Sun)

November 24, 2012 in Numerology

People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month are termed as Number 1 people, ruled by the planet Sun. Leo’s are also ruled by the Sun, though indirectly.

The Sun is the creative force, which is so powerful that it gives us Light and Life to the universe, so radiant that we can hardly see any other planet or star, when the Sun is in its element.

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Librans Rule Bollywood

November 19, 2012 in Numerology

Women are from Venus, so they say. And Venus is also linked with love, beauty, luxury and entertainment.

Venus or No 6 in Numerology governs those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th as well as those born in the Zodiacal Sign of Taurus and Libra.

Speaking of entertainment, most actors in Bollywood or even Hollywood are governed by No 6, Venus or No 2, Moon which is dreamy and romantic.

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Gem Therapy In Astrology

November 18, 2012 in Gemology, Vedic Astrology

There are 12 signs (rashis), 9 planets, 27 constellations in hindu astrology. And now a days astrologers around the world use gems as a remedy freely. Gems are being used as a remedy since very long as remedies around the world .There is no mention of any gemstone in BPHS. May be some classics have some mention which I don’t know.

Cheiro had advocated gems very freely. How many and which one he wore we will never know …but in last times he had lost all his predictive abilities because of his pendant was lost which he had acquired from India. In present day almost every astrologer recommends gems for betterment of the native.

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Weekly Predictions For The Week (18th Nov 2012 – 24th Nov 2012)

November 17, 2012 in Numerology

Number 1 (Sun): (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)

Experiences and observations at the work front might make you share an advice, which might be different from that of your colleagues or seniors. Try not to budge from your point of view by being influenced by the criticism of others. Things might probably end up in your favor and this might give your decision-making ability a boost. Inner turmoil’s might also be put to an end by the later part of the week.

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Astrology As I Perceive It

November 15, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Astrology to me is a perfect science. It is a super science. Why then do predictions go wrong? They have to, when self-styled astrologers with superficial ideas shoot predictions from the hip or when those with incomplete knowledge and the intention to extort money, predict with nefarious and commercial motives.

Astrology is growing in popularity; the media reflects, magnifies this trend. Big money is to be had from telecast of hyped up programs of predictions. People are waylaid and made to believe what, in a true sense, is not astrology. Wrong predictions are being unleashed on the gullible. All you need to look like an astrologer is a kurta and a tilak.

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Know Whether You Are Manglik?

November 8, 2012 in Vedic Astrology

Most of the time, when people go to an astrologer to know about their future & when an astrologer tells that a native is manglik, people or native gets afraid. They feel that something is wrong with them.

Now, the question is what is the Manglik Dosha & how it is affecting the married life of a person.

Manglik means when a planet Mars is occupying any of the following house in the horoscope.

  1. First House or an ascendant.
  2. Fourth House of comforts.
  3. Seventh House of life partner.
  4. Eighth House of obstacles.
  5. Twelfth House of bed comforts.

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