7 Effective Astrological Remedies To Help You Settle Abroad

February 24, 2016 in Vedic Astrology

As per the latest data released by Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, approximately 4 crores Indians are settled in 206 countries across the globe. Education, employment, better health facilities and better opportunities for growth are some of the primary reasons as to why people fly abroad; and decide to settle here sooner or later.

Do you also dream of getting your name added in this list? But visa issues, lack of finance or some other instances where lady luck refuses to be in your favor are some of the reasons why all your efforts are being wasted time and again.

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Online Astrology Freewill And Online Astrology Destiny

January 19, 2016 in Vedic Astrology

There is no unanimity with regard to the Astrology:

There has not been quite a bit of unanimity with respect to the subject of  Astrology. Some are of the assessment that man is penny per penny free and there is in no way such as destiny, fate .

Numerous wrong notions about Astrology:

Much has been said and talked in regards to Astrology, its premise and impacts. There isn’t right idea among numerous individuals that astrology is therapeutic. Be that as it may, this is not really; it is just suggestive. The soul of an astrologer ought not be against the tenet of astrological standards set down in established astrology by antiquated soothsayers, whose force of instinct, thinking ahead and information more likely than not been ordinarily more prominent than a customary person in spite of his ideal learning in the subject.

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Romancing With The Numbers – Know Your Numbers & Love

October 29, 2015 in Numerology

It sometimes happens that person does not know his or her full birth details & yet wants to know about the compatibility with the partner. I hope that this article may guide such people. This article is based on your birth date only. It does not include a month & year.
The numbers are as under:

Number        Date of birth

  1.                1, 10, 19 & 28.
  2.                2, 11, 20 & 29.
  3.                3, 12, 21 & 30.
  4.                4, 13, 22 & 31.
  5.                5, 14 & 23.
  6.                6, 15 & 24.
  7.                7, 16 & 25.
  8.                8, 17 & 26.
  9.                9, 18 & 27.

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Love Horoscope As Per Moon Signs

September 20, 2015 in Vedic Astrology

It is based on “Moon Sign”.

Yours is a cardinal & fiery sign. Mars rules your sign. This indicates that you are aggressive, short tempered & ambitious person. Few of you use foul or abusive language with your partner. You are advised to use White or Red or Yellow color while with your partner.
Yours is a fixed & earthy sign. Venus rules your sign. This indicates that you are quite romantic & attractive. You have an artistic view. You love your partner by heart. You are advised to use White or Green or Pink color while with the partner.

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Ashes 2015 – Brings Good Luck To England To Win Over The Ashes

August 10, 2015 in Numerology

The year 2015 which is said to be Saturn year brings good luck to England to win over the Ashes. England was the host country. How Numerology plays a very vital in one life. But off course Namelogy is also the part and parcel of the same. Therefore I would associate Numerology and Namelogy together.
England on top of Australia, Ashes goes to England. In spite of, one test yet to go. The present standing of the four tests out of five tests is England with three win and Australia with one win. But why it should go to England?  Australia is said to be on the top of tables per the points. Hence, I wish to explain step by step as per Numerology.

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Astrological Passport To Financial Prosperity

December 6, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

Although our ancient sheers had not attached much priority to wealth and richness but, with the passing days and years, the priorities of the people have undergone a sea change and nobody in the modern context can deny the importance of wealth and financial prosperity. But, the moot question is the way and path adopted in earning the money which should be honest and saner enough. Money earned through dishonest means has the eventful potential to completely take away the mental peace of a person and ultimately landing him behind the bar.

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A True Approach To Horoscope Analysis

November 25, 2013 in Ashtakvarga, Vedic Astrology

Horoscope analysis needs a systematic approach and acumenship on the part of a professional astrologer. The approach should be, to begin with, correct casting of natal horoscope (D-1) with accurate degrees of Lagna and nine planets; their correct Nakshatra-Padas; balance of Vimshottari Dasha at birth (Maha Dasha – Antar Dasha – Pratyantar Dasha) etc. which prima-facie reveal a lot of information about the destiny pattern and fate of an individual.

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Life And Beyond

September 2, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

For a world 25 billion years old, a life of 50 or 100 years is a blink of the eye. There are millions of Suns and perhaps billions of earth like planets in our universe. Quite possibly, also a few earths with human beings like us.

Where do we go after our body is exhausted and burnt? May be to the much dreaded black hole or heaven or hell or paradise or simply remain suspended for the soul to recover from the captivating body experience. Surely, we never do return in the same form and shape. Who springs back to a physical life and who cannot, remains unanswered? But, to the open minded there is an evidence to support that there is indeed a life after death.

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Life’s Journey

August 7, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

Your own drive or destiny?
Are we perpetually being driven by an allotted destiny or  do we get to  drive ourselves during the free will phases? Lets peer into the third house of self-effort, short journey  and many more things this time, to debate some of life’s fundamentals and ponder over the finer points of astrology.

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Does The Kaliyuga 10th House Lead To Moral U-turns? Does It Churn Out Robots?

March 15, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

Modern life is making us robotic. Is a weak 10th house of karmas and free will to be blamed? In the wake of mounting job loss tensions, we pick for debate the turmoil in karmic ethics and careers.

Consumerism is making us dance to its tune. It is addicting us to the customized and the trendy. This transition has driven us off balance from a holistic life. Materialism has taken over. The dharma of Mahabharata and Ramayana, deep rooted in our national psyche is getting eroded. Trendy acquisitions, their early discard to match with fresh arrivals, cause several unmanageable debts, make modern life more robotic.

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Rajnath Singh – Stars Are Powerful

February 5, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

Rajnath Singh has been elected as next president of Bhartiya Janta Party on 23rd January 2013. He replaced Nitin Gadkari who had to resign at the eleventh hour. Gadkari was about to be elected on 23rd but on 23rd January there were some actions by income tax department against him. I had predicted very clearly in October 2012 that Nitin Gadkari had lost his Rajyogas. I had predicted that after few years he will be forgotten. I had predicted about Rajnath in October 2011 with two other BJP leaders Narendra Modi and Sushma Swaraj.

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BSP On Nations

January 9, 2013 in Vedic Astrology

DOB: India:- 15-8-1947, 00-00-01, Delhi; Pakistan:- 14-8-1947, 00-1, Karachi (Aries ascendant).

BSP rule of Moon: Moon vibrates the radical position at the age of 18.

For India, Moon is in the 3rd house which is Cancer. For Pakistan also Moon is in 3rd for Aries ascendant which is Gemini. So in both the cases Moon vibrated the 3rd house at the age of 18 which was 1965. In Mundane Astrology 3rd house represents army, attack on territory, Chief of the army, Communication etc.

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