Free Marriage Predictions And Kundali Matching Can Keep You Out Of Trouble

December 2, 2020 in Vedic Astrology

From ancient Scriptures, Marriage Life Prediction is taken into account because of the best thanks to making the married life successful. To make married life successful and peaceful, one should concentrate on the relation. The person must have a transparent intention about his/her relation. To flourish a successful married life, the person has got to put in tons of effort. Marriage Life Prediction is especially done, so he/she can live a peaceful and happy life. Read the rest of this entry →

Can Astrology Prediction Grant Happiness in Love or Arranged Marriage?

October 22, 2020 in Vedic Astrology

Marriages are made in heaven! We all have heard this phrase. But does it really mean it’s so? Is it true?

Watching the famous Indian Matchmaking on Netflix, it surely has given me the idea that even if marriages are made in heaven, the arrangement, planning and analyses is surely done right here before that approval from heaven is received. 

In the 21st century where we are liberal to choose the one we would like to marry, whether it’s arranged or love, the stakes are quite high when we expect a content life post marriage.

Like it or not marriage may be a vital part of human life. But it is yet controversial when it comes about being happy. Some get an opportunity to enjoy it while some still await the right partner and union. Read the rest of this entry →

How Can Astrology Possibly Make a Change in Our Lives?

September 21, 2020 in Vedic Astrology

Do you believe in the concept of astrology? If no, then have you ever tried it before or your answer is based on the opinions of others? Before classifying astrology as a baseless study of stars, it is important to understand the various aspects of astrology and know about its application in your daily life.  Read the rest of this entry →

How beneficial is Business Astrology for success?

June 4, 2020 in Vedic Astrology

When it comes to business consultancy, many people turn to business astrology and business horoscope to find a way for growth, prosperity and success. Astrology for business success can give an analysis on how to establish and save your business. It can co-relate your horoscope with the precautions that you must follow. You can emerge out as successful businessman provided you follow the astrology and what your astrologer suggests. Several factors of a business are affected by the planetary movements, your birth date and your Kundli. As per Vedic Astrology, you can even identify if you must do a job or start a business and where you will find more gains. Read the rest of this entry →

How To Know About Love Marriage From Kundli (Horoscope)

February 13, 2020 in Vedic Astrology

Will my marriage be love or arranged as per astrology? This is a common question asked by those in marriage age to an astrologer. Your birth chart indicates the prospects of Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage. Your birth chart will give signs that how you will get your Life Partner.

There are two types of marriage in India, arrange marriage and Love marriage which has been going on for thousands of years. Read the rest of this entry →

Effects Of Rahu Planet in Vedic Astrology

January 9, 2020 in Vedic Astrology


we call him Demon or Brahm but Snake will never step out of its way to try Onslaught us without a reason, Nodes basically our karmic balance Sheet and deliver fruits According to our Own Actions, They have to do with Mystisism, occult Energy and our Subconscious mind. Interestingly wherever Rahu lands our hunger goes irrespective of sign house and placement and the Nature of our hunger depends on overall dignity of Rahu. let’s take for example According to Sign Read the rest of this entry →

Celebrities And Astrology: How Actors And Directors Are Assigning More Importance To Stars

September 23, 2019 in Numerology, Vedic Astrology

Astrologers at StarsTell talk about how more and more actors and directors are assigning importance to the stars for success.

Astrology gives people a sense of destiny and time that people can’t find anywhere else. Astro-experts at StarsTell believe that while astrology isn’t as literal as saying “You are going to make this decision tomorrow”, it does provide with a macroscopic view instead. According to them, astrology gives us a sense of where we’re placed with respect to the positioning of celestial bodies. Read the rest of this entry →

Busting Five Common Astrology Myths – Right Here!

September 23, 2019 in Vedic Astrology

Astrology- A myth for some and hope for many but how strong it stands against the odd is the question. Most of us have learnt about astrology in either Kundali or Matchmaking but the scope of astrology covers much more. Believe it or not but the effect of astrology is working with or without your knowledge. However, Astrology is quiet misunderstood because of the lack of facts and information relied with it. There are lots of superstitions and opinions hung on the topic of astrology that arises due to the lack of awareness about it. We can’t even deny the fact that many dupers have misused the fear and desperation of people in the name of astrology but there are millions of good examples still holding the faith. Read the rest of this entry →

Buy Pukhraj Stone Online From A Trusted Vendor

February 19, 2019 in Gemology, Vedic Astrology

Yellow sapphire stone is the jewel of Jupiter/Brihaspati and this is a standout amongst the most treasured gemstones in India seen over the who will be who of industry, administration, legislative issues, craftsmen and almost everybody who matters in the public arena. In any case, tragically 99 per cent of the market is filled with gemstones which have minimal mysterious esteem. Read the rest of this entry →

Summer Love: Ideal Astrological Pairings This Season

July 12, 2018 in Western Astrology

Summer is the time for going out and basking in the glow of warm weather pleasures: picnics, parties, holidays, and yes, a little summer romance. There’s no shortage of astrological matchmaking tips out there, but the real secret is in the season. What draws us to one partner in winter may very well drive us away come spring! Below we’ll discuss the best summer sweetheart matches for each sun sign duo, and how they can get the most out of their summertime love. Read the rest of this entry →

Remedies to Overcome Manglik Dosha in Your Kundali

February 17, 2018 in Vedic Astrology

What happens when Mangal is placed in an unfavorable position in your horoscope? Well as per the Hindu astrologers it can cause a delay in marriage, it can also lead to the marriage being bad and ending in divorce. If the Mangal is in a very bad position it can also cause death of the spouse. As per vedic astrology Manglik is not a good situation in a horoscope, so let us find ways and means to overcome this issue.

What is Mangal Dosha?

The horoscope chart of a person comprises of 12 different houses. If Mars exists in the 2nd, 4th, 8th, 7th, 12th or 1st house of the Kundli chart, then astrologically a person is believed to have a Manglik dosha. Read the rest of this entry →

How Accurate Is The Vedic Astrology Methodology?

January 12, 2018 in Vedic Astrology

The prediction part is still dependent on Intuition, Experience, knowledge and the technique used by the Astrologer, due to which it is subjective, not repetitive and verifiable.Transit effects of planets are not in tune with the Birth chart prediction.Remedies are not based on Time, Place, Energy, Conscience and God. Read the rest of this entry →

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