Astrological Passport To Financial Prosperity
December 6, 2013 in Vedic Astrology
Although our ancient sheers had not attached much priority to wealth and richness but, with the passing days and years, the priorities of the people have undergone a sea change and nobody in the modern context can deny the importance of wealth and financial prosperity. But, the moot question is the way and path adopted in earning the money which should be honest and saner enough. Money earned through dishonest means has the eventful potential to completely take away the mental peace of a person and ultimately landing him behind the bar.
[crp]Money earned through honest means and by abiding laws of the land is of no harm to anybody. In fact, the wealthy persons like industrialists, bankers, capitalists, entrepreneurs and so on in the private sector are capable of doing more social services by way of providing employment to many, by participating in developmental activities, health care, etc.
In astrological parlance, the horoscope and the planetary positions there in is the sole indicator of the level and extent of financial prosperity of a person or an individual. Astrologically individual horoscope can throw light whether a person would become a wealthy and lucky enough or just remain as penniless or poverty ridden.
A horoscope is promising which has many Yogas (planetary combinations) for wealth and status. In Vedic astrological term, the planetary combinations for wealth is referred to as ‘Dhan Yogas’ whereas planetary combinations for status is termed as ‘Raj Yogas’ or ‘Raja Yogas’. A list indicating ‘Dhan Yogas’ commonly found in the horoscopes of wealthy and well-to-do persons is described below:-
This planetary combination for wealth has two variations, which are, (i) Ninth Lord from Lagna is placed in a Kendra/Trikone identical with his sign of Exaltation or own sign and Lagna/Lagna Lord is strong. Or, (ii) The other version of this Dhan Yoga is that Lagna and Ninth Lord should together aspect Lagna. In the second version, result giving capacity of this Dhan Yoga would obviously get enhanced if the aspecting Lagna Lord and Ninth Lord is posited in their respective signs of Exaltation or Mooltrikona signs or in own signs identical with Kendra / Trikone / 2nd or 11th houses from Lagna.
Natural benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury (unafflicted) should occupy Upachaya Houses which are 3/6/10/11 jointly or severely from Lagna or Moon. If the Upachaya Houses occupied by these three planets happen to be either the signs of Exaltation or Mooltrikona or Own Sign, resulting giving capacity of Vasumati Yoga become strongest, stronger and strong respectively.
This planetary combination for wealth has, in fact, three variations, and are formed if (i) Mars and Moon posited together in a sign preferably identical with Kendra / Trikone / 2nd or 11th house and still better if either one of them is Exalted or in Mooltrikona sign or in own sign. Or, (ii) If Mars and Moon are in mutual Kendra and both are posited in houses / signs identical with Kendra / Trikone / 2nd or 11th houses. For example, if in case of Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant), if Mars is posited in sign Capricorn which is its sign of exaltation and fourth house sign (a Kendra / Quadrant) counting from Lagna and simultaneously Moon is posited in sign Cancer which is her own sign and tenth house sign (a Kendra) from Lagna. Such kind of a Chandra – Mangal Yoga, as illustrated above, if formed in a horoscope has the potential to take a person to dizzy height of financial prosperity especially during the Dasha period of either Moon or Mars provided there is no other strong negating astrological factor exist in the horoscope capable of in-effectuating such a high level of planetary promises for financial prosperity. Or, (iii) If Mars and Moon has mutually exchanged their zodiac signs which is only possible if Moon is in sign Aries or Scorpio ruled by Mars and Mars is in sign Cancer ruled by Moon. However, the third variety is not expected to be very effective one due to some inherent astrological defects imbibed in this variety which an able astrologer can only understand.
According to classic, this Dhan Yoga is formed if Moon is aspected by Jupiter. Remember, it is just a mere description of a kind of Dhan Yoga mentioned in classical astrological text which ought to have several variations and meanings which can only be analysed and properly understood by an able and apt astrologer. The result giving capacity of this Yoga and for this purpose for any Yoga directly related to the strength and favourable disposition of the Yoga constituent planets and that of Lagna & Lagna Lord. For example, in case of Pisces Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) if Jupiter is in Pisces and aspecting Moon in Cancer with Sun in Capricorn as well as Moon is surrounded by Venus and Mercury from two sides being in Gemini and Leo, the result giving capacity of Gauri Yoga is bound to be superb for the following reasons:-
(a)Jupiter (Karaka/natural significator of wealth) being Lagna Lord here for Pisces Lagna is in the Lagna in own house with directional strength and is, thus, strong enough to fulfill the promise to its fullest extent being one of the constituents of Dhan Yoga.
(b)Moon, the other constituent planet of this Yoga is in own sign and is in full strength being the Full Moon (Sun being in Capricorn is in 7th sign from Moon). It is again strong being in Subhkartari because Moon is surrounded by two natural benefics from two sides.
Such a strong Gauri Yoga if found in a Horoscope of a person can make him a billionaire. This is the way how a Yoga (planetary combination for wealth) should be analysed. Astrologer should not go vividly by the statement as given in the classical text but should apply their minds and thoroughly interpret a Yoga from different angles before giving any prediction.
A strong friendly planet preferably exalted should occupy Lagna and Lagna Lord as well as the lord of the Moon sign (Rashi Lord) should together aspect Lagna either from a Kendra or from the sign of a friendly planet.
Lagna Lord, Venus and Jupiter in mutual quadrants and simultaneously the ninth lord of luck and fate is strong give rise to this Dhan Yoga.
Apart from Dhan Yogas, the following components of the horoscope should also be very strong: –
(i) Strong Lagna & Lagna Lord, the main pivot of a Horoscope
(ii) Strong Second House & Second Lord of accumulation of wealth
(iii) Strong Ninth House & Ninth Lord of luck, fate and fortune
(iv) Strong Tenth House & Tenth Lord of Karma and Profession
(v) Strong Eleventh House & Eleventh Lord of gain and success
(vi) Strong and dominant Upachaya Houses (3/6/10/11)
(vii) Relationship through mutual aspect, conjunction or exchange of houses between the lords of 5th, 9th or Lagna with the lords of 2nd or 11th houses.
(viii) A strong Indu Lagna & Indu Lagna Lord
(ix) A strong Hora Chart
(x) A strong Dashamsha Chart
Mostly, the persons having Dhan Yogas in their horoscopes have also Raj Yogas (planetary combination for status) in their horoscopes as the wealthy persons command respect in the society, too.
Let us take the horoscope of Mr. Mukesh Ambani who is one of the wealthiest and famous industrialist of the world in general and India in particular.
The horoscope of Mr. Mukesh Ambani has Lakshmi Yogaand Gauri Yoga as his Lagna Lord Venus and Ninth Lord Mercury together aspect Lagna from 7th house forming Lakshmi Yoga. Jupiter from 11th house of gain aspect 10th lord Moon giving rise to Gauri Yoga, too. His 2nd house of accumulation of wealth is occupied by Yoga Karaka Saturn and aspected by 2nd Lord Mars and thus very strong. 11th Lord of gain is Sun who is exalted in 7th house, a Kendra, and forming Dhan Yogas with Lagna Lord Venus (a Kendra and Trikone lord) and Mercury, the 9th lord. These are the ways how a horoscope needs to be examined by an astrologer.

- Astrological Passport To Financial Prosperity - December 6, 2013
- A True Approach To Horoscope Analysis - November 25, 2013