Truth About A Successful Marriage – Astrological Point Of View
October 17, 2012 in Vedic Astrology
”By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher” -SOCRATES
”Do not marry a man to reform him. That is what reform schools are for”-MAE WEST
In today’s Indian societies most of marriages are solemnized by the boys and girls on their own. No doubt this is a sign of progressiveness. Every progressive person should support this. However if we were to look at the success rates of these marriages, we would be surprised. I tried my best to know the consequences of these marriages, although I was aware of the data. From authentic sources I came to know the rate of divorce is horrible. Why this is it like that – because of adultery, extramarital relationships, attraction between two sexes at workplace are some of the main points that we can come across if we think rationally.
[crp]What if we analyze these things from point of view of Astrology? Astrology can provide great insights into unsuccessful relationships and also some amazing rationale behind what is required for a relationship to work.
Let me first start off by listing some of the important things that must be checked before a marriage and then I would discuss an example of a renowned media personality who has faced an unsuccessful marriage
Necessary things get checked by your astrologer before marriage:
• Don’t get involved in match making. This is an old concept and this has been proven unsuccessful because despite match making relations are much fragile today. Be practical here because some parents marry their child to an older spouse just because their charts may match.
• Manglik Dosha should not be looked at as the only criteria because if this dosha is followed then 60% population will not be eligible for marriage. Believe it or not, almost 60% of the population suffers from Manglik Dosha and there are several misconceptions around this created by Astrologers to fool people.
• Observe the chart of the, would be spouse. See his/ her age. Does he/she has a good life span? Astrologically tough but the nearest age can easily be predicted.
• Prosperity – Will the spouse be wealthy prosperous according to the expectation of the other half?
• Character – How is he/she character wise? This can be viewed easily through Vedic Astrology.
• Temperaments, thoughts, mind set should be checked. Especially planets like moon, mercury.
• Possibility of producing a child.
Example of a classic separation:
Here is example of a woman of thirty seven years old of Delhi who is a renowned media personality frequently watched on TV. I am not going to reveal her name because I promised this to her when she consulted me. I have worked a lot on marriages, time of marriage, timing of love affair, breakups, and post marital relationships and premarital as well.
Now view this horoscope of that news reader:
She was married in the dasha of Jup-Mars. Jupiter is in seventh house being seventh lord, in Navamsa. This Jupiter once again is in the seventh house but in the axis of Rahu and Ketu. Mars is the seventh lord of Navamsa. Due to many tensions in their marital life they separated in 2005 and a divorce petition was filed in the court to seek divorce. Wife’s allegation was that husband torture. Her husband’s allegations were somewhat in the expected lines that she had betrayed her and was adulterous.
There are many combinations of adulterous spouse and of spouse having extramarital affair. But I am confining myself here only up to divorce. There is no classical combination in Astrology for divorce; the separation term is used here.
Four points should be noticed for analyzing divorce:
1. The sixth house
2. The eleventh house, because this is sixth from sixth.
3. It is seen that generally the darakarak in such cases of separation are either Jupiter or Mars.
4.Venus is certainly afflicted.
When they separated, dasha was Sat-Mars. Saturn aspects the sixth house and Mars is the sixth lord. Mars is eleventh lord also. Jupiter is darakarak here, and Venus is afflicted with Rahu and worst is that, it is in the eighth house. Now the question arises whether the woman is adulterous or is the husband lumpen? I am not going to reveal what I saw in her horoscope. But she is going to get divorced very soon. All the miseries should be seen through Trimshamsha. The morality and chastity of a woman can be seen from the lagna – fourth, fifth and ninth house of Trimshamsha.

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